Size Matters. Let’s talk about the size & play surface of Gameboard
Gameboard's size and play area surface is perfect. It's the right size for all kinds of games, it's portable, and it's customizable.
January 22, 2024
Roland Cinco

Let's face it, when it comes to board games, size matters. You want a board that's big enough to accommodate all the game pieces, but not so large that it's cumbersome to move around. And that's where Gameboard's size and play area surface really shines.

One of the key features of Gameboard is its size and play area surface. The team at Gameboard spent months testing and tweaking various sizes and form factors to find the perfect fit. And what did they end up with? A square display! But not just any square display. It had to be just the right size so that it could accommodate different tabletop experiences without being too large to be portable. It's like finding the perfect shoe size, but for board games.

That's just the beginning of our story. Gameboard's magical SenseScreen technology allows players to use any physical pieces on the surface. And with the release of STL files, players can even 3D print their own custom pieces. Plus, for games that require more play surface, players can zoom in and out and pan around the board while still keeping track of all their game pieces.

The real selling point of Gameboard's size and play area surface is its portability. It's the perfect size to take on the go, whether you're heading to a friend's house for a game night or taking it on a family vacation. And with its durable construction, you don't have to worry about it getting banged up in transit.

Gameboard’s games are unique, they are designed for the play surface. Players can zoom in and out/pan all while saving your space (even with physical pieces). Gameboard also has blade of the hand technology, which allows players to hide and reveal secret elements directly on the board. It's like having a magic wand, but instead of casting spells, you're uncovering hidden game elements. Think about how many pieces Terraforming Mars is, Gameboard optimizes the experience to make it unquie for the product. Making it easy to pan/zoom/rotate all while keep secret elements … secret.

Additionally, players can sync their mobile devices to Gameboard. This allows for more game elements to be displayed, such as cards, moves, tokens, and characters. It's like having your own personal game assistant.

Now… if you’re still telling us you need more space… hold on to your screens because Gameboard has you covered. You can connect multiple Gameboards together to create a larger play area. It's like having a giant board game table that's fully customizable. And the best part? The Gameboards automatically expand to create a seamless playing experience.

Gameboard's size and play area surface is perfect. It's the right size for all kinds of games, it's portable, and it's customizable. And with its SenseScreen technology and other features, it's the ultimate gaming experience. So if you're a board game enthusiast looking for the perfect gaming setup, look no further than Gameboard.